Ivan Tam & Co.

We assist you to prepare accounts in accordance with statutory reporting requirements for Hong Kong and provide our independent opinion to you. Additionally, we provide reviews and fact-finding reports for special purpose.
We help you to manage your tax compliance obligations. And we can also represent you in tax disputes and investigation.

We offer compliance services, including the preparation and submission of specified forms, company formation, acting company secretary and nominee shareholder and director.
We help you to search for and package the business for sale. Additionally, we can coordinate legal and other professional services.
We provide support across a wide scope, from financial personnel recruitment, preparation of regular and special financial reports to drafting business plan and budget and settlement out of court.

Type of professional services offered

  • Audit and assurance
  • Company secretarial
  • Consultancy /
  • Tax


  • Our Address: Room 604, 6th floor, Cheung Fung Commercial Building, 21-25 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Prince Edward, Kowloon
  • Telephone: 31881321
  • Email: ivan@ivantam.com
  • Web: http://www.ivantam.com
  • Fax: 30057250
  • Contact Person: ---
  • No. of directors / partners: ---