Au Yeung Huen Ying & Co Certified Public Acctnts is located in Hong Kong. Au Yeung Huen Ying & Co Certified Public Acctnts is working in Accountants activities. Au Yeung Huen Ying & Co Certified Public Acctnts’s address is Shum Tower, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. You can contact the company at 2537.Au Yeung Huen Ying & Co Certified Public Acctnts is described in our catalog section Accounting. Here you can find the address, phone number, fax, email and website of Au Yeung Huen Ying & Co Certified Public Acctnts. We hope that this information will be useful to you. Please add the review about company.
Type of professional services offered
- Audit and assurance
- Company secretarial
- Consultancy /
- Tax
- Our Address: 8th floor, Shum Tower, 268 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
- Telephone: ---
- Email:
- Web:
- Fax: 25372039
- Contact Person: Mr. Au Yeung Huen Ying
- No. of directors / partners: ---