PortalHongKong.com is designed to be your one-stop destination for anything you can think of that is about or related to Hong Kong.
We know that the Internet is an overwhelming space and finding just the information you need can still be a frustrating and time-consuming process. We minimize graphics and maximize content quality. We reduce search time and increase search results.
Our editorial team makes great effort to evaluate the existence and accuracy of each company web site.
PortalHongKong.com is a Hong Kong Directory that provides advertising opportunities for businesses to targeted consumers.
Why did we make this directory?
Sure, there are plenty of directories on the internet – but not many for Hong Kong business. We constantly get people asking us for recommendations on which Hong Kong business agency they should work with. And if this practice was good or not. They wanted to see who else had worked with them and if there was any feedback on theHK business service.
We couldn’t find this anywhere! Sure there are some government listings, but they didn’t give enough details, and didn’t let the community leave honest reviews about their experience with the agency.
Portal Hong Kong merged with Global From Asia’s List Directory
You may remember the CPA directory for Global From Asia (used to be list.globalfromasia.com ) . Well, that has merged with PortalHongKong and now we are all one in together. This is done to create more value for you – the visitor – and a more clear and focused online experience.
Contact Portal Hong Kong today!
If you are interested in knowing more about us and our services, Click here to contact us.